For Samantha, a single musician living in Los Angeles, leaving her 20s brings on nothing but positive emotions, "I feel so hopeful for what's in front of me versus what was behind me."
Samantha looks younger and happier at 30 then when she was in her 20s. As she becomes more grounded and secure in herself, the more it blooms and lights up her face. "Being a woman, like a fine wine, gets better with age, but you need to take care of yourself," says Samantha. "You want to preserve that for as long as possible, so I have some tricks that I do with beauty stuff and lotions are very important... treat your body like a temple, treat your body as you would anything else that you love and cherish, because this is what your going to live with the rest of your life."
"I used to not even think twice about what I look like on stage and I had this long crazy hair and I didn't care what I was wearing and I just did it," says Samantha. "But I realized that if I feel like I look really good and I'm put together--it's kind of a good meditation to put my makeup on, put my lotion on and my clothes--that helps me kind of get in synch with my performance."
Here are a few pieces of advice to help you age with grace:
Take care of your body and accept your limits
"Your body is your temple and you need to take care of it regardless of how invincible you think you are--I think I'm the most invincible person in the world, I can go on three hours of sleep and get on the airplane and get off and play a concert and go to bed in a hotel and wake up the next morning and be fine. But the reality of it is that my voice is going to get tired. I'm going be a little bit fatigued and that kind of shows, especially as a performer. I'm kinda glad that I have to put myself to bed every night by 11 o clock every night and drink tons and tons of water because it makes me feel better in the morning. I can get up and go on a run easier and that type of stuff."
Take every opportunity
"It's so easy to put limitations and boundaries on what you're trying to create, but now that I am 30, life explodes into a million different opportunities and I never looked at life like that before. I thought life had to be this one straight shot, north and south, but I didn't realize I can also be an artist, I can paint, I can direct movies, I can start a non-profit business, we can do anything we want, really, if you can just let yourself. That's a beautiful thing."
Have a positive attitude
"Being very enthusiastic and being optimistic and positive have always worked, they never fail. And that has carried me through some tough times, if things aren't really going your way or something happens with your career or your relationship or you want to make a move in your life, you maybe want to try living in a different city or just make a change, enthusiasm will always get you through the day. It's infectious, other people around you feel it and that helps you out."
Take ownership of yourself
"I feel like I can accomplish so many more things in my day and I'm so much more fulfilled because I know, I'm trusting that even if there's a couple mistakes thrown in there, I'm still correcting and adjusting them. I'm never going to be perfect, but I am going to lead a much more well-rounded life and my decisions in general are going to be a lot better."
Celebrate your body
"I never allowed myself to feel like I was super hot and sexy before and I know I can do it. I never, ever allowed to be who I am and now I really take ownership of that sexuality and sensuality as a woman. Knowing that I am beautiful on the inside and the outside and allowing myself to feel that way and celebrate that. I think a lot of women don't do that, especially in this culture and I think they should because it just makes everybody else so happy."
"With the knowledge that I've gained in my 20s with living life and pursuing my dreams and just being a woman, really being a woman in an American society--experiencing the things that everyone experiences, I've gained a lot of knowledge and a lot of wisdom," says Samantha. "I can gracefully enter my 30s with a sense of vitality and inspiration and hopefulness."
Hot Lables: Keet Fit, Beauty, Body Shape, Eye Care, Eyebrow Shaping, Neck Care, Skin Care
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