
Think Portion Control

Super-sized fries. 16-oz Starbucks lattes. 64-oz Double Gulps. It's no coincidence that just as Americans are growing larger so is the size of their meals and snacks.

When nutritionist and NYU faculty member Lisa Young noticed this trend several years back, she took to the streets of Manhattan with scale, notebook and camera in hand. Her goal: record the size of food people were handed at delis, hot dog stands, bakeries, and all-you-can-eat buffets.

"What I found was appalling," says Young in her book Portion Teller: Smartsize Your Way to Permanent Weight Loss. "The foods we buy today are often two or three times, even five times, larger than when they were first introduced into the marketplace."
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And, meals and packaged foods weren't the only things that had ballooned. American waistlines had expanded and everything from seats to Queen-sized mattresses―even the size of medical needles―were being adjusted to fit America's widening girth.

Then Young came up with a strategy: portion control. Just because restaurants serve up more food, doesn't mean customers have to finish every last bite. Using five basic food guidelines, Young devised ways for people to get―and stay―slim without deprivation.

Mind your mouthfuls.
Instead of worrying about the amount of carbohydrates or fat a certain meal contains, focus on the amount you consume. Just because it's brought to you doesn't mean you have to finish every last bite.

A simple way to do this is to make visual comparisons, says Young. "Think of a deck of cards as a three-ounce serving," she says. "And, a cup of rice or pasta should be about the size of a baseball." If the piece of salmon you grilled for dinner is the size of three card decks, you've met your meat quotient for the day.

Add first, then subtract

First step, fill your plate with as many portions of fresh, leafy greens and fruits as you want. Do the research and dig up some healthy recipes made with apples, apricots, plums, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, you name it.

"No one wants to be deprived or on a diet," Young says. "Before you take anything away, stock up on fruits and veggies."
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Negotiate your cut backs.
"Decrease your portions of junk food," Young says. "so you're eating fewer high-calorie foods―chips, sodas, chocolate, fried foods." You don't have to eliminate your favorite foods. "If you like ice cream," says Young, "you can eat it. But, you're going to have to learn portion control."

Pack in protein.
Protein is not only good for you, and it makes you feel full. "In my research, I found that a lot of people were eating breakfast and all their meals, but weren't including protein," says Young. "And, a meal without protein not going to do it. You're never going to feel full with just bread or a bagel."

Remember, there's more to the protein category than just meat. Try slipping some yogurt, an egg, low-fat dairy, or fish into every meal.

Forget white flour.
When you eat white flour products, your body gets nothing but empty calories because the fiber, vitamins and minerals have been stripped away.

"A lot of people were under the misconception that it was carbs that were making them full and fat, when really, it was the starches," says Young.

And beware, says Young. Don't assume that because bread or other products are brown that they are healthier. They could be dyed brown with molasses. To be sure, read the label to ensure that your bread is made with 100% whole wheat or whole grain.

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