
Holiday Beauty Survival Tips

Winter weather, decadent holiday foods, and late nights spent partying can all take their toll on your skin and makeup. On top of all that, there's bound to be a ton of picture-taking.

Besides party-proofing your makeup, what can you do to make sure you stay looking fabu throughout all your holiday festivities?

1. Don't leave home without your eyelash comb.

If holiday songs make you misty or you get caught trudging through a snowstorm, you run the risk of lash clumpage. Be ready with a good eyelash comb If you wear mascara, it's one of the most important tools in your beauty arsenal (no matter what time of year it is).

2. Combat Shine With Powder Papers.

You probably can't avoid all the holiday picture taking...but you can avoid looking shiny on film. Use face papers to absorb excess oil without messing up your makeup or leaving your skin looking chalky or overdone.

3. Drink plenty of water.

This is simple, but seriously effective. Drinking plenty of water will help counter the dehydration caused by holiday cocktails as well as combat bloating from all that decadent holiday fare.

4. Get your antioxidants.

Few combinations can wreak havoc on your skin as easily as the season's mix of cold wind, blowing heaters, alcoholic bevvies, and a few too many late nights. Be sure you have an antioxidant-packed night cream on hand to moisturize, protect, and recharge your skin.

5. Relax and smile.

When it really comes down to it, true grace and beauty comes with being comfortable with yourself.

Don't worry about cosmetic perfection and just remember that you're already gorgeous. If you relax and enjoy yourself, your true beauty will be sure to shine through.

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