
Gifts to Your Self-Esteem

Right now, the blogosphere is lousy with gift guides, holiday coupon codes, and blogger gift wishlists. Getting some gift-giving guidance, procuring a bargain booster, or ogling an enviable list of longed-for items is easier than falling off a Yule log. And, as you are likely aware, all this focus on material goods and budgetary concerns and the politics of giving can get a bit stressy.  I know I'm feeling worn-down, and most of my shopping is already done!

No doubt, you jotted down wishlists of your own, or dropped subtle hints about what you'd like to receive from friends and family. No doubt some of those coveted items will be in your possession within weeks.  And do doubt you'll feel giddy and gleeful when your holiday hopes come to fruition.

But there are some gifts that you can only give to yourself, and many of them will make you feel happier than a gorgeous pair of Prada boots or a brand new iPod. There are some gifts that center around self-knowledge, self-care, and self-esteem, and it's best for us to procure them on our own terms and on our own time. There are some gifts that we deserve year-round, but this festive holiday season seems like as good a time as any to enumerate them!

You deserve every indulgence, you gorgeous thang, but just in case that whole "economic crisis" doohickey that I keep hearing about is hitting your wallet hard, here are two lists: Gifts for your self-esteem that require some shelling out, and gifts for your self-esteem that won't cost you a dime.


1. Get a silhouette evaluation.

Several salon-spas (including ones in Montreal and Minneapolis) have begun to offer this service, a personalized consultation that teaches you how to maximize your best assets and minimize your problem areas in a matter of hours. It can be a bit pricey, but if you're looking for some style and fit guidance, this is a fantastic shortcut to figure flattery. Your self-image will skyrocket when you have learned to dress your bodacious bod in a way that highlights its best features.

2. Take a yoga class.

Even if the prospect of hard-core cardio makes you miserable, even if you have the hand-eye coordination of a glazed donut, even if you'd rather throw up than work out, you'll probably still like yoga. Yes, yes, it's the trendiest thing in the history of time, but there's a reason for that, friends. Yoga is relaxing, effective, and fun.  It's something that folks of all shapes, sizes, and skill levels can do.  Yoga just FEELS GOOD. And it awakens body awareness like no other type of exercise can. Stretching and posing and letting that lovely energy course through your muscles will reconnect you with your inner strength and remind you about your own physical fabulosity.

3. Trim your lovely locks.

When I get my hair cut, I usually get about an inch trimmed off the bottom. At Cost Cutters.  For $12.  And let me tell you, I feel like a NEW WOMAN every damn time.  Sure, you're going to feel utterly transformed if you plunk down a couple hundred for highlights, lowlights, and a stylish new 'do at a swank salon ... but a simple trim is usually all it takes for you to really see yourself in the mirror again.

4. Throw one back at the Brow Bar.

I don't wear a lick of makeup. Ever. But even though I couldn't apply mascara if you paid me, I do groom my eyebrows. Carefully and daily.  If yours are in need of a little de-caterpillar-ization, see if your local Macy's now features a new Benefit Brow Bar.  Or stop by any beauty salon for some brow beautification. Your eyebrows frame your whole face, and you'll feel gorgeous once they've been shaped to suit your features.

5. Organize your closet.

Not something that screams "gift," I realize, but hear me out. Each morning, most of us extract unspeakably wrinkled garments from overstuffed, disorganized closets that resemble post-explosion laundromats. We forget what all we've got stashed in there and throw on the same dull outfits day after day, or stick to the items that are the least mangled and pet hair-encrusted. Investing in some hanging sweater shelves, shoe racks, sock-drawer organizers, and quality hangers will force you to clean that bad boy out and arrange the remaining goodies with care. A clean, organized closet that reveals its contents quickly is key to creative mixing and matching. The more creative you are with your wonderful wardrobe, the more compliments you draw, and the more marvelous you feel.


1. Demand a hand, foot, or scalp massage.

Do you have a friend? Roommate? Lover?  Spouse? Mother?  Father?  Sibling?  If you answered "no" to all of these, please accept my condolences.  But if you can answer "yes" to JUST ONE, you are mere moments away from arriving at the Relaxation Station. Demand one of the above three as repayment for your all-around awesomeness.  Many people suck at back and shoulder rubs, but anyone with even the tiniest nubbins of fingernails can give your scalp a relaxing scritch-scratch. Anyone in possession of thumbs can ease the tension out of your hands and feet with a few well-placed strokes. These quickie massages are ridiculously relaxing, and relaxation and self-esteem are best buds, don't ya know?

2. Run yourself a bubble bath.

Sure, this is a deeply predictable item to include on a list of self-pampering delights. You wanna make something of it? More importantly, you wanna tell me that taking a soothing, serene, scented bubble bath isn't a fantastic way to reconnect with your body?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

3. Create a morning playlist.

Unless you're one of those superstars who pre-selects outfits the night before, you probably spend a good 15 minutes staring into the depths of your closet each morning, stymied and uninspired. Make morning dressing fun by creating a mix CD or iTunes playlist of songs that get your juices flowing. Throwing it on once you step out of the shower and play catwalk in your own bedroom while Madonna croons or OK Go rocks. You'll pull together awesome outfits and start your day feeling energized.

4. Indulge in a home mani-pedi.

This might not be 100% free if you're running low on polish and emery boards, but it'll be hella cheaper than hitting the salon. Spend an hour laquering those fingers and toes, listening to your favorite album, and noshing on Hershey's Kisses. The process is fantastic fun, and even if your tootsies will hide inside your snowboots once you're done, you'll glimpse your glossy fingernails every time you hit the "enter" key or grab for your coffee or ruffle your kiddo's staticky hair. Hardly a thing in the world makes a girl feel girlier than polished nails, and girly = good.

Tis the season for gifties of all kinds, but EVERY season should include gifts to your superfantastic self!

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